Pension payment

Gerrit Ollyn sent a message to Vusumuzi Cyril Xaba.

Vusumuzi Cyril Xaba
Gerrit Ollyn
Pension payment
Oct. 11, 2023, 3:48 p.m.
Dear Sir

Good day my name is Gerrit Ollyn , I'm register military veteran and have send email to B. Mantyi the Sectary of the Portfolio Committee .

My struggles with Department of Military Veterans are with Medical and Housing Mortgage . I have submitted many applications to the Department of Military Veterans even has hike to Kimberly to DMV provincial office but they also didn't help me . Even now my child can attend school because DMV didn't approved my Education benifte .

Therefore I ask about pension . I did submit my application has received on 04 August 2023 letter from GPAA stating they have my documents and it was captured. I ask of pension maybe with that I can pay my child school fees and get place to rent .

Please my leader I need urgent help.

Kind regards
Gerrit Ollyn
Register Military Veteran on DMV database

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