Non opening of tourism

Robin Mcleod sent a message to Mmamoloko Kubayi.

Mmamoloko Kubayi
Robin Mcleod
Non opening of tourism
June 28, 2020, 8:11 a.m.
The completely illogical ruling announced on Friday ie no alcohol served at restaurants and accommodation still closed to domestic leisure, is another nail in the coffin of the floundering tourism industry. I am trying to understand if you just don’t care, are totally disinterested in the sector that is your responsibility or you have not been bothered to understand the severity of the situation? Please enlighten me. When the hundreds of thousands of workforce are forced to the breadline, will you feed them, house them and school their children? Or are you happy to sup on the gravy train, irrespective of the people who have employed you to do a job on their behalf. Yes that’s right, we the people, employ you! The seemingly cold hearted attitude and disdain you show towards the industry you helm and the complete lack of even the most minor understanding of an industry your represent chills me to the bone and leaves me in utter despair.

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