No Healthcare

Tamsyn van der Merwe sent a message to Willem Frederik Faber, Dikgang Mathews Stock, Lorato Florence Tito-Duba, Alvin Botes and Wynand Johannes Boshoff.

Willem Frederik Faber, Dikgang Mathews Stock, Lorato Florence Tito-Duba, Alvin Botes, Wynand Johannes Boshoff
Tamsyn van der Merwe
No Healthcare
Aug. 2, 2022, 12:18 p.m.
Good day,
I am a resident of Sutherland, Karoo Hoogland municipality, in the Northern Cape (6920). I am writing because our town is entirely without medical/healthcare services. We have a hospital which stands empty. The "clinic" basically hands out aspirin, and there is no pharmacy or access to anything besides the most basic of panado. There is an ambulance, but it takes people on a terrible dirt road hours away first to Calvinia and then many more hours away to Kimberly. We are in desperate need of healthcare services. We have a population on the cusp of 3000 people, who have little hope of help in circumstances ranging from minor illnesses, to life threatening emergencies. Residents have to travel great distances to the Western Cape for medical care but this is not financially feasible for the majority of the townspeople. How can we get help? There is a hospital standing here, but no one to serve the community. The visions of our municipality (which covers an additional 2 towns beyond Sutherland) and premiers office pledge to provide basic services, but we have no healthcare to speak of. This is a government hospital, and the government has not placed staff here.
I am petitioning you as a mother, an employer of good people who have families, and as a resident of a town I love, to help us and provide for the most basic of needs: healthcare.

With kind regards and in hope,
Tamsyn van der Merwe
Wynand Johannes Boshoff
Aug. 8, 2022, 12:05 p.m.
Dear Tamsyn

I presume that you prefer communication in English. If we are both
Afrikaans, we can proceed in Afrikaans.

Furthermore I don't know whether you sent this email to several members
of parliament, or specifically to me as a Northern Cape member of the
Freedom Front Plus. Included is our party's member of the Karoo Hoogland
municipal council (mr. Riaan Geel), our relevant member of the
provincial legislature (mr. Danie Coetzee), and our head spokesperson
for health on national level (mr. Philip van Staden).

Service delivery in terms of health is indeed one of the biggest
challenges in our province. Sutherland is in a specially difficult
situation, as it is part of the Northern Cape, but not directly linked
to any Northern Cape town by tarred road. In contrast, the road to
Laingsburg, Touwsrivier and Worcester is much easier and quicker to
navigate. Anybody who needs to use provincial services (as is the case
with health) has to use the services which are more difficult to reach.

Mr. Coetzee is more up to date with developments in the provincial
government. I believe he will be able to give accurate information on
what one could expect within a reasonable time span. Possible
interventions by the municipality is on Mr. Geel's terrain.

I hope it will be possible to assist in the matter. As an opposition
party our most important contribution is to put the matter on the
agenda. At least I can confirm that, both on provincial and national
level, our members tirelessly draw attention to deficient health
services, especially in the countryside.

We will stay in contact.

Yours sincerely

Wynand Boshoff