No Assistance: Grant

Jayan M Singh sent a message to Susan Shabangu.

Susan Shabangu
Jayan M Singh
No Assistance: Grant
Nov. 29, 2018, 3:43 p.m.
Good afternoon Ms Shabangu,

I write on behalf of my aunt, Ms Sewchuran who is quite upset and disappointed in that she has not been able to receive her grant over the past three months.

My aunt is very hard of hearing and has attempted to understand why she had not received her grant and is finding it very difficult to meet her daily living commitments. She also has to provide for her mentally challenged son, Naresh living on the same premises.
When she attempted to resolve with the Grindrod Call Centre (0800 601 160) via other family members, she was advised that someone has taken her money and that they would have to issue her with a new card. It appears that she was assisted by a person only known as Jennifer on 23rd October 2018 and there has been no further feedback since.

This has left her depressed and in my last two engagements she broke down uncontrollably … it breaks heart to see how her matter has been attended and to what extend it has affected the family.

Future replies will be published here.