New Health Bill

Peter sent a message to Michéle Clarke.

Michéle Clarke
New Health Bill
April 15, 2022, 3:32 p.m.
Good Afternoon Michele

I would like to register my complete distrust of this current government, and everything they might sign into law. It is typical of them to use the Easter Weekend as a back door.

I find that petitions in general are a waste of time, so I am writing to you as a staunch supporter of everthing you are doing to help keep this very important human right off the statue books.

It is a fundamental traversty of our constitutional rights and enshrined in " The Nuremburg Code " No one has the right to access my body without consent.

Kind Regards
Peter Geach
Michéle Clarke
April 19, 2022, 12:45 p.m.
Dear Peter

Your concerns are noted and I can assure you that we have submitted a lengthy objection paper in terms of the proposed amendments to the health act. We categorically do not support the proposed amendments and are very well of the personal infringements of rights in terms of the constitution

Thanking you

Kind Regards

Michele Clarke