Need of urgent help😭

Rashu koushik sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.

Leon Amos Schreiber
Rashu koushik
Need of urgent help😭
July 8, 2024, 7:44 p.m.
Greetings honorable minister thankyou for being my last hope...

my name is Rashu koushik im a indian citizen married in South Africa 12 years ago...

after 5 years of waiting applied for my permanent residency with all required documents...

i have been renewing my temporary visa to live with my South African husband and two south african kids in SouthAfrica....

i applied for my permanent residency in 2017. i spent many years contacting the home affairs they kept saying its in process..

they said because my husband is married they cant give me permanent residency....

my husband went and checked in South Africa home affairs system he is married to me...

then i applied for a apeal (for my permanent residency)with lawyers letter in may 2023 which home affairs received in june 2023...but untill today no reply or any answer..

i went for a renewal for my temporary residence in February 2022..until now it hasn't been renewed...

so i have no paperwork at all to travel to india...last year after 5 years i had to go to india to see my sick mother..i went for 13 days and first thing i as i landed i went to south african embassy and applied for visitor visa to enter South Africa...which they sent after 10 the delhi airport they didn't let me board the plane because they said if im flying to South africa on visitor visa i need to show them the return ticket. then i booked return ticket so i can see my kids and husband and stay with them..

without permanent residency here i cant not drive,open a bank account,work or do life has came to stand still......i have begged south african government to help me but it doesn't make any difference to them...

now i cant travel overseas because the only thing i have its my indian passport with expired south african visa...

please send me some kind of life is standing still...even now i phone and email every day to home affairs they tell me now they sitting with the backlog from covid:(...

Please help me sir...

Rashu koushik

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