Need funding

Azeret Barendse sent a message to Ebrahim Patel.

Ebrahim Patel
Azeret Barendse
Need funding
Jan. 29, 2021, 3:33 p.m.
Good day sir, I am coming to you to ask for government assistance to a idea I have to end loadshedding in future and reduce electricity consumption in household and industries. I did share my idea with a patent attorney who said there is some novelty in my idea but I need R15 000.00 for registration. So because we are from previous disadvantages group and my wife and I are SASSA grand recipient it is impossible to get the funds to get my idea into the world. My idea will not only save electricity consumption but the burn in coal to produce electricity will be far lesser and we will contribute to the already existing components and measures in place to tackle global warming. Hope to hear from you soon. Regards Azeret

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