Minister Bheki Cele statement after eNgcobo shootings
Johan H L Joubert sent a message to Dianne Kohler.
- To
Dianne Kohler
- From
Johan H L Joubert
- Subject
- Minister Bheki Cele statement after eNgcobo shootings
- Date
- March 2, 2018, 10:03 a.m. Email does not work:
Dear Me Kohler,
I wish to voice my objection to the Honourable Minister Cele statements after the eNgcobo shootings that ”we will have to work very hard to disarm South Africa”.
Should this statement be fulfilled South Africans, of all races will be completely defenceless in the face of crime that is spiralling out of control in all Provinces.
I have been a DA supporter since the fall of the National Party in 1994. I sincerely wish that the DA will publicly challenge the minister on said statement.
Best regards
Johan H L Joubert
ID Removed
Ward 39
Thaba Chweu
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