Miitary Veterans Pension as per 2011 Act

Veteran sent a message to Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais.

Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais
Miitary Veterans Pension as per 2011 Act
April 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m.
Good day Mr. Marais could you please give an update regarding the military veterans pension as defined in the Act of 2011.
Sarel Jacobus Francois Marais
April 4, 2019, 6:13 p.m.
Dear Veteran

The two MV benefits which has not been finalised yet are (1) Single Military Pension and (2) Transport.
Regarding the pension, Treasury has not approved it up till now. The details of the Pension Policy have not been submitted to the Portfolio Committee for consideration yet except an indication in the Annual Performance Plan that it will be implemented incrementally as of last financial year. Of course, this did not happen.

There was absolutely no allocation in the Budget or over the Medium Term (following 3 years). Also, to implement this incrementally would discriminate against most deserving military veterans because only 43% of the National MV Database has been completed to date. In addition, the financial implications have not been calculated to address the key issues of affordability and sustainability.

The proposed amendments to the MV Act 18 of 2011 speak to including all family members in Benefits like Healthcare, Burial Support, Increase in Housing Allocation, Removal of Means Test etc. These amendments have not been submitted to Parliament for consideration. Every one of these proposed amendments, has huge financial implications, not to speak about the pension.

Under the current circumstances, I would advise those MVs who reached pensionable age, to apply for the normal state pension until further information is provided w.r.t. Military Pension.

Best wishes and kind regards,

Shahid Esau MP
Member of PCDMV
Member of JSCDMV
DA Spokesperson on MVs