Message regarding the failure of TERS

Carla Antonie sent a message to Michael Bagraim.

Michael Bagraim
Carla Antonie
Message regarding the failure of TERS
April 20, 2020, 2:37 p.m.
Dear Mr Bagraim,

Thank you for your 6 minute voice message that came to me via social media regarding the failure of the UIF and TERS systems regarding the payment.

I assume your 6 minute message blaming the department for this failure is not the only thing you are doing about this? I assume you are working with the department to overcome these issues and assist to ensure that people are being paid on time... in other words, you are getting your hands dirty to help process claims.

We need good leadership in our country, and unfortunately, your 6 minute message does not show good leadership. All it does is point the finger where the blame should lie. I would have preferred a 6 minute message containing 30 seconds identifying the failure, and 5 and a half minutes explaining how the DA is helping with this to ensure that everyone is paid. To me that would be very positive.

Happy to discuss if you would like.

Kind regards


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