Matric compilation-missing results

Mandisa Madlala sent a message to Adrian Christopher Roos.

Adrian Christopher Roos
Mandisa Madlala
Matric compilation-missing results
Aug. 26, 2022, 6:06 p.m.
Dear Adrian Christopher Roos

I am writing this letter to ask for your assistance as this is an urgent matter i have been trying to sort out for almost 2 years with the department of basic education who have let me down.
I was upgrading 2 subjects back in 2020,namely maths and physics .i only received my physics mark and i never received my maths mark because apparently it got lost,of which its not my fault.
And so now i haven't received my matric compilation certificate till to date due to this matter which i have been trying to sort out for almost 2 years.And yet my physics mark is valid
Please assist urgently

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