Matric compilation-missing results
Mandisa Madlala sent a message to Angie Motshekga.
- To
Angie Motshekga
- From
Mandisa Madlala
- Subject
- Matric compilation-missing results
- Date
- Aug. 26, 2022, 5:55 p.m.
Dear Matsie Angelina Motshekga
I'm writing this letter in huge dissappointment with your office regarding my missing been almost 2 years of me trying to sort out my missing result issue.i have contacted your office numerous times but i haven't received any further assistance.
I was upgrading 2 subjects namely maths and physics back in 2020.i never received my maths mark because apparently it went missing.of which it has nothing to do with me as it wasn't my fault.
If my physics mark is valid why is it so hard to get a compilation.may you please attend to this matter urgently as it is holding me back regarding my future.i feel stuck just because the department of basic education is failing to do their job.
Future replies will be published here.