Marginilized commercial fishers not consulted/ignored

Anton Kruger sent a message to Dion George.

Dion George
Anton Kruger
Marginilized commercial fishers not consulted/ignored
July 19, 2024, 1:01 p.m.
Dear Minister George.

Congratulations on your appointment.

We are gravely concerned about the department's small scale fishing plans, which will have profound consequences on our industry. Fishers in the Nearshore Rock lobster and abalone sectors are already unable to make a living, and yet the department is planning to make more fishers dependent on these quickly dwindling resources.

Our objections and complaints have all been ignored.

Please set up a meeting with commercial fishers in the linefish, abalone and rock lobster sector so that we can air our concerns and provide you with supporting documentation.

Best regards
Anton Kruger
Overstrand commercial fisher
Cell. 0818552488

Future replies will be published here.