Madam Dlamini Zuma

Charmaine Didloff sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen.

John Henry Steenhuisen
Charmaine Didloff
Madam Dlamini Zuma
May 25, 2020, 11:11 a.m.
I would like to challenge the aforementioned, with regards to the motive of not lifting the ban on cigarette sales. According to our constitution, section 32, access to information, including all information held by the Government. I do believe we have been compromised as per the following:
Where are all reports pertaining to this continued ban, we cannot rely on the comical demonstration of licking a Zol to substantiate the reasons.
Freedom of choice.
What we do in the privacy of our personal confines (within the realms of legality) should not be of concern to the powers that be,
Financial implications regarding the loss of revenue by South Africa as a result of this ban, while the illicit trade are fuelling their wealth.
We all are aware of the personal stance on smoking by Ms Dlamini Zuma, but this in no way should impact on our Freedom of choice. Our lungs, our homes.
I thank you for your attention.
I remain

Charmaine Didloff

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