Lockdown level 4

Kenneth Joseph sent a message to Dean William Macpherson.

Dean William Macpherson
Kenneth Joseph
Lockdown level 4
May 3, 2020, 12:50 p.m.
Dear sir,

I would like to bring to your attention the many e-commerce businesses that are still under lockdown but pose little threat to health safety.

Despite the fact that many are not "essential services" by govt definition, they are hugely essential for those who make their living there.

I am a 2-person e-commerce business that supports 13 people including 2 elderly & 2 casual wage earners, whom we have been able to continue supporting despite almost no income for the past 6 weeks.

But the reality is that if I cannot get back to work, the money will run dry & the financial implications for 13 more people will be severe. It is vitally essential that I and most other e-commerce businesses are allowed to function under level 4. To close us out is irrational & foolhardy. We could be self-sustaining without compromising health requirements.

We may individually not be of major national significance but collectively we certainly are.

Please help us while we are still able to help ourselves. We cannot hold on indefinitely but we could become productive very quickly.

Yours faithfully,

Ken Joseph

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