L Mudau sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
L Mudau
Sept. 10, 2019, 11:08 a.m.
Hi Dr Ndlozi.

Trust that you are well.

Personally ,with so many thing happening in our country ,I am not well at all.
I am coming from a very humble beginning home in Limpopo , Thohoyandou.

I have said a lot to many people about what is going on in this country and if it is not attended immediately, we are sitting on time bomb as a country. It is now the responsibility of all South African, especially the working class to fix this country. The president alone and his crooks will do nothing. If the poor and unemployed can one day rise up, we will all have nothing ,whether you are now rich or working. There is a lot to lose.

The only solution I have is ,if all South African working class especially black people can help the unemployed get their jobs back from the hands of foreigners and doing so without shading any blood or sweat. Yes I agree with you when you said this mess was created by whites, and of course including some few black business owners and also community members themselves.

Here is what I am suggesting and this is the only solution. No indaba or whatsoever people can think will solve this problems , that I can guarantee you.

The only solution is to force/ tell the department of labour to conduct a study in all business in the country and give us the names of all business who have hired more foreigners than local, and lets all bring them to its knee by boycotting this business.

And most of us in our neighborhood, we know of supermarket , restaurant or a shop which has employed more foreigners than local. We don't really need the department of labour to tell us. Lets have that platform of name and shame. And if shop owners disagree with that, they must give us the stats.

We name and shamed them publicly. We don't give them support all. If it is a restaurant, lets not go and spend money in that restaurant until there is more local people employed. If it is the supermarket, or shop, we do the same. Those business will collapse, without causing any chaos or the department of labour instituting any legal route. legal route will take forever, many of this owners can afford top lawyers. Lets hit them on their pocket. Their business will collapse.

"No business will make it in South Africa, without they buy-in of the South African themselves"

Here we need all citizen to be together to fight this course. There is power in unity.

There is absolutely no need to loot foreign shop, as a community members ,just stop buying to that spaza shop and support the local person. The foreigner will leave the place or close shop without shading any blood. this is the message we must preach.

Many of us working class, we prefer hiring foreigners in our plumbing job, gardener, home assistant, even to cut our hairs. The solution is in the hands of us working class.
Lets take that power back from the business owners, whether black or white. We can fix this without any law being implemented.


Can you imagine you Dr Ndlozi, with so many followers driving this campaign.
Together as South African we can do it. We can get this jobs back in the hands of South African without any looting and killing , which is currently making us look like a banana republic.

Concern citizen.
Mr L. Mudau

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