Legalizing of Online Pornography

Fritz Faro sent a message to Mziwamadoda Uppington Kalako.

Mziwamadoda Uppington Kalako
Fritz Faro
Legalizing of Online Pornography
Feb. 24, 2018, 11:41 a.m.
Dear most honourable MP our children of our country should be dear and precious to all South Africans. The mere fact that parliament is about to debate this issue tells us that it's not the case for Parliament, or am I wrong? As gatekeepers and the fathers (not gender) of this nation Parliament has the duty to rule and protect through governing. Just as fathers and mothers in the family must watch over the wellbeing of their families, meaning children and grandchildren, so Parliament must watch what they legalize. Our courts are a proof of it that not all citizens and people in our beloved country have at heart the wellbeing of our children, the most vulnarable group in society. It is of no use that we have 16 days of activism against abuse of women and children and then legalize pornography. It's a proven fact that pornography world wide leads to human trafficking, sex slavery, child sexual abuse and mental illness due to sexual addiction caused by pornography. Our plea at HRMA, who work on a daily basis with community problems, is that the ANC decide against legalizing Pornography online. We ask that the ANC debate and vote on this issue with their hearts (emotion) and not their heads. Evil succeeds because good men and women are doing nothing!

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