Jobs Creation and Fight for Crime fron Streets in general

Ngwako Simon Ramahlo sent a message to Thulas Nxesi.

Thulas Nxesi
Ngwako Simon Ramahlo
Jobs Creation and Fight for Crime fron Streets in general
March 27, 2024, 5:16 p.m.
Dear Honourable Mr. Thembelni Waltermde Nxesi, please receive my greetings and I hope you are well. I am Ngwako Simon Ramahlo born in 1967 February being a bread-winner in my family married in community of Property. Both me and my wife are Qualified Beekeepers who bought a land of 40ha as also with experience of Farming. We have experience to train unemployed from streets and create more jobs regardless of either people have grade 12 or not but will make money through our training. in Beekeeping and Farming. We are ready for interview to your Office if need be for any clarity or other left over said outlining our needs here. We need help of finance or property to fence our land, Tlb to remove trees and start ploughing and starting the project in general. Currently we managed to buy a Tractor with some ploughing various Discs. Currently we got license from Dept of Agric and have some Bee boxes even at home existing with honey but shortage of helping hand as to expand our business. Up to date we never received any help either from Municipality or anyone to help in completing our vision to help unemployed. Please annd Plese and Please Help us we will proof to you that we can create jobs to our fellows Please.

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