Issue of levies which were disclosed as R997 and after property being transferred into our names it was escalated to R1800

Mrs M Gumede sent a message to Tito Mboweni.

Tito Mboweni
Mrs M Gumede
Issue of levies which were disclosed as R997 and after property being transferred into our names it was escalated to R1800
March 3, 2020, 3:37 a.m.
Dear Honourable

I need your assistance in this issue how can we solve it? We bought property in year 2018 and levies were disclosed was R997 after property being transferred into our name they escalated to R1800 and the answer we got after we reported this issue was that sorry they are what they are and bear in mind its 30 years of commitment on the bond. We also escalated this issue to eaab with all the fact they are not helping us we were waiting for eaab CEO intervention but it looks like we are not getting any response I also escalated this issue to minister of human settlement but I have not received any answer. This is completely unfair for us poor black people I strongly feel that of it was a white person bought the same property the issue would have been resolve. I need your help minister we are not treated fairly on this issue. The answer we got from eaab was that we must liaise with the seller but our dealing was estate agent which had presented all the figures and we were happy and went ahead and bought the property we are now left with unressolved issue of levies. Please kindly assist me how to go about this issue honourable Tito

Kind regards
Frustrated buyer of PMB

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