IsiZulu being insulted and ignored.

Amandla Ka Ndlovu sent a message to Claudia Nonhlanhla Ndaba.

Claudia Nonhlanhla Ndaba
Amandla Ka Ndlovu
IsiZulu being insulted and ignored.
Aug. 5, 2020, 12:56 a.m.

I am writing this message with anger, I couldn’t imagine that in 2020 we will still have this problem of undermining the language of the South Africa, not by private institution but parliament. I am of the view that the holder and protector of our rights is this institution.

Without wasting anyone’s time let make my point.

As I visited the questions that were being asked by MP’s for NYDA board vacancies, I noticed this madness and nonsensical recording of questions. While the Colonial English questions are recorded, MP Khawula’s questions are noted as follows: “asked a question that was not in English”, yes the question is not colonial but it’s remains a question, therefore if it’s is in Not English, is it no longer worthy to be recognized and recorded?

It’s such colonial mentality that drives me insane, because these colonial subjects have no respect for human rights, if the question is not in Colonial English, but it’s remains within the constitutional recognized languages of the Republic of South Africa. Such domkop capture of very important process must not only address the colonial subjects but Africans in general should reflect or at least have respect for African languages in an African parliament. Otherwise we have therefore marginalized African languages in Africa.

I expect nothing but an immediate correction of such a nonsensical recording of minutes, and be in line with the constitutional status that isiZulu deserves, otherwise remove this colonial graduates and have qualified Africans for Africa parliament.

Future replies will be published here.