Investigation into the Department of Labour

Brian Wilkinson sent a message to Michael Bagraim.

Michael Bagraim
Brian Wilkinson
Investigation into the Department of Labour
May 11, 2020, 5:05 p.m.
Dear Sir

Re The Department of Labour

May I suggest that an investigation into this Department be called for as there are serious issues relating to the way this department is operating

I believe this department to be dysfunctional and to date no one has really taken them to task. I have written to the Presidency, but I doubt any response will be forthcoming. I am sure many others will agree that the Department of Labour is inefficient unable to perform, incompetent and generally useless.

I qualify this by having had to deal with this department and its various entities as have many of my friends and other business colleges.

The Unemployment Insurance Fund
Given the current Covid 19 pandemic it is understandable that no department would have been resourced for such an event and cognisance of this has been considered BUT

Since applications opened to apply for staff benefits there have been no less than 5 versions of submission criteria. (I started with the initial governmental prescribed submission on the 29th of March 2020)

Payments have not been made in full (in some cases 4 out of 8 get paid although all 8 pay UIF and are registered)

I have received some payments for my business entities but in such a way that reconciliation is almost impossible, those deemed “declined for payment have been duplicated and then suddenly appear on a payment schedule”

Foreign Nationals are not addressed in the applications and keep being rejected although legally in SA and contributing to the UIF

Applications for unemployment (not via TERS) are not being addressed even after documentation is re sent.

The website alerts you to a means of recourse, but the link is not available (“raise a dispute via the ufiling dispute functionality”) – well it is not there.

The Comp Easy -Workman’s Compensation Department
After 5 months of trying to register a claim (which without any communication from the said department- that employers and not the doctors had to register claims) I have got no further.
The comp Easy website will not recognise log ins, although registered and paid up with the CF.
The e mail address is not valid as of today’s date. I have sent e mails to other sites but return correspondence is nil.
I have visited the CF department in Cape Town and after a 3-hour wait was finally attended to but with no success as the lady had absolutely no idea of what to do or how to capture the claim.
She was to have reverted as to the process or advise if she was able to capture the information. This was on the 12 March 2020 -to date no feedback and still unable to access the Comp Easy portal.

The minister responsible for this mess then has the gaul to tell employers that they need to claim and that due to so many submissions of which there were so many duplicates it was difficult to sort through etc etc.
Well what do you expect when the submission forms/procedures change almost weekly, the submission style requires a CSV file, - how difficult would you like to make it!!!!!

Payments made are non sensical and unreconcilable, the website crashes, phones do not get answered (2hours 20min to get through to the operator then dropped)

I suggest Mr Nxesi refrain from trying to blame employers, create a simple application process (not one to confuse and hinder employers) stay away from the media and if he has the ability ,investigate and correct the mess, within a vital department of state.

While one may blame COVID 19 for loss of income, starving staff and or business closures, it is well known that the Department of Labour has ,as was reported, a good deal of money that if administered correctly, timeously and in an an uncomplicated manner would possibly assist to prevent starvation, job losses and business closures.

Mr Nxesi needs to -start reporting the facts, his department is a shambles with incompetent personnel, pathetic administration in all departments, before he starts blaming employers,

Mr Nxesi and the Department of Labour need to be investigated and forensically audited as the survival of many business entities rely on this department

I believe he and his departments should be held legally liable for businesses that close ,staff retrenchments and or the non-payment of staff that are a direct cause of his departments incompetence, his inability to act-if a business is able to prove that they correctly submitted the information required and that the business and staff were registered with UIF.

Reporting on the ability of the UIF should be done almost daily to keep the pressure on such a vital department -given this time of crisis.

Any further details and proof of what has been submitted here is available and I am happy to expand on the issues should the need arise
Please note some of the information relates to my businesses directly but seem to occur within other businesses.

Future replies will be published here.