
Yonela Mlambo sent a message to Dikeledi Phillistus Magadzi.

Dikeledi Phillistus Magadzi
Yonela Mlambo
April 23, 2018, 12:39 p.m.
Dear Ms Dikeledi Phillustus Magadzi and Dr Blade Nzimande
I am Yonela Mlambo, born and bred in KwaZulu Natal in a place called uMzimkhulu and a village called eMatsheni, which is invariably mistaken as eMahobe. I am currently doing my 3rd year in Political Science and Sociology at the University of Cape Town. I am writing this e-mail to you because of the plight of my people. There is a road that was built in 2011/2012; if I am not mistaken, it was supposed to start from ePlagweni or eBratshini to Harding, not far after you have left Rietvlei Hospital on your way to uMzimkhulu town (I think the distance is less than 3km)..
When I inquired from the elders in the village about what it is that is holding the road from being completed, they responded in unison that they do not know as all they see is the construction vehicles coming for few months then leaving without finishing the work. This has been happening for more than five years now.
I therefore humbly request the Honourable Minister and the Honourable Chair for the Portfolio Committee to Transport to please investigate this matter regarding what is keeping the road from being completed. The people of eMatsheni would be most grateful for this kind service on your part of their behalf,
Kind regards
Yonela Mlambo

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