Inspiration to Youth

Patrick Sekhu sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
Patrick Sekhu
Inspiration to Youth
June 16, 2018, 10:17 a.m.
I want to take this moment first to congratulate you by obtaining PhD. You and other members of EFF inspire Youth to make education fashionable by finishing your studies. From since EFF started, the Youth is taking part in political views because they can see the light now and also they see the importance of politics in our country. And how politics influence our economy and any other things such as; education, socio-economic, etc. Not forgetting the important part EFF played in Fees must fall Campaign to ensure that Education be free in our Country. If it wasn't EFF we would still be in blind side now and i want to thank you for fighting against corruption and continue to do that because corruption take Billions of rands that can be paid to implement free education. I thank you

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