- To
Gwede Mantashe
- From
- Subject
- Important Books
- Date
- Dec. 23, 2024, 1:03 p.m.
Please forward this email to the members of your government. Thank you.
The 6 enclosed books are the best available on Earth on the respective subject.
It is a crime against humanity that they are not made known to everyone and given free to read.
Brotherly greetings, in HIM, Yogendra
You will need ePub-Reader software like “Calibre” to open the attachments.
Read the bibliography of "Secret Societies"
Biographical books on the life of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
The books can be downloaded from www.brahmacakra.info (free, as Epub
or PDF file).
Together with an additional 20 books they are the proof that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was
God in Human Form.
Below is the comment of Uri Geller on "Advent of A Mystery, Vol.1&2"(on the back
cover, two of the books on Shrii Shrii Anandamurti). He is one of the most
investigated and celebrated psychics of the world. He baffled the world of
physics with his extraordinary psychic abilities:
“Every once in a long while, a book comes along that changes the way
you think, the way you act. and the way you see the world around you.
And once in a very long while, you come across someone who is truly
extraordinary — mysterious, preferring anonymity, but one who
impacts the world through the sheer weight of his exceptional
knowledge, wisdom, cosmic outlook, and love for humanity.
The biography Shri Shri Anandamurti: Advent of a
Mystery is an eloquent portrait of one of the most intriguing spiritual
masters in the 20th century. It comes at a time when people are
groping for the meaning of life and the role of spirituality in life and
evolution why we are here, where we are going, what’s the end
destination, and how to get there? While the book gives convincing
answers to these and other questions, what makes it different is that
the theory is verified by practical demonstrations, making the stories
immensely compelling. As you turn page after page in wondrous delight,
you begin to wonder if what is written is possible - from riding a
tiger to raising the dead to ending Stalin's life to prevent communism
from engulfing the world and much more. Arc all these incredible
stories possible? Is there a case for cosmic intervention in human
history and in the workings of the universe? Are destiny and
evolution products of chance or cosmic design? Is death the end or the
beginning of life? Is reincarnation real? Are psychic and spiritual
powers real or imaginary? And, if they exist, what is their purpose in
the scheme of things? Do extraterrestrial civilizations exist or are we
alone in the universe? Those and many more such topics in the book
fascinate the reader and make him question his own premises and
assumptions of life, truth and reality. I once said that the problem
with the paranormal is that it's so weird. Tins book takes it a step
further. Apart from enchanting readers with the cosmic experiences
associated with heightened consciousness and demonstrations on life and
death, the book also presents an impressive array of new knowledge in
cosmology, the evolution of races, the concept of
causality, and interesting snippets of information on World War II.
among others.
Advent of a Mystery isn't a bedtime story book by any measure. For
serious students of spirituality, this book is an authoritative guide.”
Shrii Shrii Anandamurti:
"Try, O Sa'dhaka, to know only Him, in Whom are held the sky, the world
and the void, in whom are ensconced the mind, the five vital forces and
the sensory and motor organs. Shun all other pointless considerations
except your efforts to know Him. You are mortal, subject to death.
Your desire of establishing yourself in deathlessness has been with you
from eternity. And that very Brahma is the bridge leading to that state
of deathlessness. So you will reap the real good, if you can only know
Him." Reference : Subhasita Samgraha - 2, (The Intuitional Science of
the Vedas)
Three basic meditations: I. Mantra: Ainga, sit in Padmasana or similar and repeat the Mantra with closed eyes two times a day 20-30 minutes.
II. Mantra: Shiama, sit in Padmasana or similar and repeat the Mantra with closed eyes two times a day 20-30 minutes.
The above two are Transcendental Meditation Mantras, correct Sanskrit pronunciation is very important.
III. First lesson of Ananda Marga meditation: Ideal Position is Padmasana, closed eyes; first ten minutes: mentally imagine the vast blue sky or the universe. Next ten minutes: Imagine a tiny point of light entering your right big toe and slowly moving up inside the leg until it has reached the bottom of the spine; then the same with the left leg; the third phase: the point of light is now in the sixth Cakra (between the eye brows), mentally pronounce the Sanskrit Mantra PRAB-HU. Inhaling PRAB, exhaling HU. Imagine while exhaling that the tiny poin
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