Identity document issue

Shadrick Serima sent a message to Aaron Motsoaledi.

Aaron Motsoaledi
Shadrick Serima
Identity document issue
July 5, 2020, 8:50 p.m.
Good day Mr Motsoaledi. I am writing to you because now I see that Home Affairs is really dragging feets regarding my Identity issue. It's my citizen right to have a proper identity document since 2011 till today I have been spending my granny's Ein home affairs, my right to education have been on hold for years due to no identity.
I am now a student still with wrong identity document and still I were advised at home affairs to correct my identity document till today my Identity have been there waiting. I am living in fear due to service Home Affairs is offering to us. Imagine the identity amendment process since 2017 till . Please Minister can yo try to intervene in this issue it's long overdue I have been told to wait for 10 months .Dololo no any results now my only hope green book is tearing up of which is in amendment process for years. What does one need to get things right?

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