ID Smart Card

Alexander Cook sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.

Leon Amos Schreiber
Alexander Cook
ID Smart Card
Dec. 27, 2024, 1:36 p.m.
Hi Dr Schreiber, i was at Scottburgh home affairs office to apply for my smart care, I am a holder of the green ID book as a South Africa citizen, i was told because i was born in Scotland i needed to get an invitation letter from the Director General, the e-mail they gave me keeps coming back incorrect address
I am a Naturalised Citizen and did compulsory 2 year national service July 1985 - July 1987 and 1 camp in 1989. i also hold a S.A Passport.
i have looked on web sites to find out why I can't apply for a smart card
i have lived here since 1968, army service, passport and have voted since the first democratic election. I just want to know why i can't get smart card.
Why can't I simply apply for a ID card
I am now retired and live on the South Coast, KZN

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