ID: Bonani Komani

Petra Bekker sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.

Leon Amos Schreiber
Petra Bekker
ID: Bonani Komani
July 30, 2024, 1:47 p.m.
Dear Dr Schneider, since the beginning of last year (after him trying for several years) I have been assisting Bonani Komani, to obtain his first time ID. We have obtained every document that home affairs requested, even a copy of the birth register. The office manager was going to set a meeting in April for the next week. After more than 3 months she did call for a meeting but then she was not available, always seeming to be in some or other meeting. Bonani turns 30 this year. His mom passed away when he was a young boy.
I was told at the office that your website is out of date. There it says only one parent's ID is required, which is available. The current requirements are much more stringent than what appears on your website.
I am not against tightening requirements for security purposes. However, there does not seem to be a procedure in place to deal with the above case. We do not live in a perfect world and there should be procedures in place to deal with exceptional cases.
So far the system has failed mr Komani big time. Without an ID he is unable to find a job and neither can he benefit from any assistance from the government. He is basically a nobody in his country of birth.
I hope that with your leadership things will change for the better.

Petra Bekker (Gqeberha)

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