I need to know I'm connected MP Bagraim

Shima Basami sent a message to Michael Bagraim.

Michael Bagraim
Shima Basami
I need to know I'm connected MP Bagraim
April 23, 2024, 3:52 p.m.
Hi and good day,
Very nice to learn about this web system and hope it will allow my access too! Somebody had commented to your profile saying we need more like you Mr. Bagraim. I understand you are involved in law I tried to read all the domain leads from your emails. Unfortunately, my emails are not getting answered and my mobile charge is out as SA is far distanced from me in Europe. As an Iranian representing our youth community it is desperate for us to have parliamentarians like yourself standing for global peace and security in a world of today that is endangered by the Iranian regime.
Kindly allow me to share the statement joined by 1,600 MPs across the continents as well as crucial other details that will interest you.
Thank you and best of luck on your high mission,
APA team

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