
Riaan Meyer sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen.

John Henry Steenhuisen
Riaan Meyer
Feb. 17, 2022, 1:38 p.m.
Good day Mr. Steehuisen,
My name is Riaan Meyer and i have a few questions for you sir. What are your opinion when it comes to mentally disabled people who were also a victim of crime and because of that, lost almost everything. What will you as the DA Leader do when such a person send you, the Western Cape premier as well as the Mayor of Cape Townn a combined email to ask you three leaders for help and to show humanity towards that person and his family in an very urgent matter. That after such a person already send an email as well as a whatsapp message to two, one previous and one the current ward councilor to ask them for assistance, but then they do nothing about it after the one ward coucilor promised to get back to you, but never did. I am that such a person Mr. Steenhuisen and i must say that i am very disapointed.It says a lot when not one, but three leaders who are from the DA and in high positions turn their back on people with mental disibilities and also victims of crime that caused them to lost almost every thing, asked you leaders to show humanity and asked for help, but then it is left to others to solve but they don't care or know what they are doing. And that when they knows it is an urgent matter. Whom or what must you as a mental disabled person and also a victim of crime must believes in when you ask for urgent help but don't get it.

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