Human Setlement title deeds

Martin David Bosman sent a message to Mmamoloko Kubayi.

Mmamoloko Kubayi
Martin David Bosman
Human Setlement title deeds
April 12, 2022, 1:20 p.m.
Dear minister Mamoloko Kubayi
I am struggling to get through to after so many attempts. I can't get your contacts phone and email regarding a human Setlement issue.
I have an that is running into years now since 2007 .
I bought a house North West Housing Corporation fully paid off paid the Conveyancer but I am still to get a title deed after so many years. Yet I see your MECs giving away title deeds on the news and TV all the time .
I also tried to get the MEC of housing in North West Linah Miga's contact but no luck

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