Human Rights - smoking ban

Hilton Kinnear sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen.

John Henry Steenhuisen
Hilton Kinnear
Human Rights - smoking ban
May 24, 2020, 9:49 a.m.
Hi John, please be a voice for the smoking community. Estimated at around 11 Million in the country. The ban is utter nonsense. It has removed our freedom of choice and being forced to quit is cruel. There is no support or rehab made available to smokers in order to cope/deal with the horrible effects of withdrawel. Law abiding citizens are forced to seek our pleasures elsewhere illigallu and at tremendous costs, so doing supporting illicit trade. There are massive amounts of people suffering from anxiety/depression and suicide as a result of the ban. The Government profuses to "save lives" really?? "Sharing a zol" is also a load of hogwash, people who shared between maybe 2 people before the ban, will now simply share the illicit "zol" amongst 5 people because of exorbitant illicit costs...Let alone the massive loss of revenue to the country, now finding its way into the proverbial black market king pins hands.Lastly, thousands of jobs will be lost, businesses will close. Please, be a voice of reasoning to this utter nonsense ban and infringement on our human rights

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