Human Right to have a birth certificate
Melany van Heerden sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.
- To
Leon Amos Schreiber
- From
Melany van Heerden
- Subject
- Human Right to have a birth certificate
- Date
- Aug. 14, 2024, 3:18 p.m.
Dear Leon Amos Schreiber
I would like your help in assisting Home Affairs to issue a birth certificate for a child i have in foster care.
I am a place of safety parent and received a baby in need of place of safety at around 4 hours of age. I took him to Life Grooenkloof hospital as he did not have a proper umbelical cord clamp only a wash line peg as a clamp. He was born at home in Mamelodi according to the Social Worker and was then left at a hospice as she did not want the child.
Unfortunately the Mother has never gone to home affairs to obtain a birth certificate for him. The Social worker at that time tried to obtain one but to no avail.
We do have a receipt from home affairs Acknowledgement in Mamelodi of receipt of Notification of birth dated 18.09.2020 yet still nothing has happened! I have asked so many people i just dont know who more to approach.
I have a court order, ordering home affairs to assist but apparently this is meaningless as it has not prompted Home Affairs to assist.
It is a HUMAN RIGHT VIOLATION that he is not given a birth certificate!
I cannot tell you how i struggled to get him into grade 1 as i could not apply via the GDE system as there is no ID no for him.
We are awaiting a panel meeting but never get a date!
How long does this matter take? Its been 7 YEARS!!!!!!!!
We live in Pretoria, Please can you assist?
Regards Melany van Heerden
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