Help to get this Done ASAP

Alan Leslie Mckie sent a message to Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
Alan Leslie Mckie
Help to get this Done ASAP
Aug. 23, 2019, 6:15 p.m.
Goodday to you Mrs Zuma my Name is Alan Leslie Mckie from ShabaMckie Electrical Engineering Projects Pty Ltd Johannesburg.
I am an Intrepreneur I have Designed a Mechanical Movement Mechanism that will work on the Wind Turbines Generators on the Ground No Tower's and No Blade's will be Used.
My Systems are Compreessd Air DrivenMoving Renewable Energy at it's Best.
Even Better than the Existing Solar and Wind Systems WorlWwide.
The Reason I have Designed it this way is three Fold.
The First is Because I have Seen a Problem with the Wind Turbines if the Wind Turbines Generators Stop then There's No Power Supply.
The Same with the Solar System's if the Sun is Covered by the Clouds then the Solar System's or Either Weak or These No Power Supply.
Where by my Systems are Compreessd Air DrivenMoving Renewable Energy All the Time.
My Systems will Run Constantly until you Stop Them for Maintenance Only.
The Maintenance will be Exsrteamly Cheaper to Maintain than our Existing Coal Power Station's that Costs are Higher than Mine.
I'm looking for the Funding so I can get a Manufacturing Factory Open so that I can get this done ASAP.
By Doing this Renewable Energy Projects like this way will Create Lots of Job's all Around our Country Aswell for Our Unemployed Woman and Men.
Factories can get Put Up All Over Our Country as and When the Funding Comes in from the Sale's.
I do have the Drawings and I have a Patent on my Sea System Already Registered.

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