Fradulant emails

Thomas Johnson sent a message to Mildred Nelisiwe Oliphant.

Mildred Nelisiwe Oliphant
Thomas Johnson
Fradulant emails
Dec. 22, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
Dear Minister, my name is Thomas G. Johnson and I reside in the United States in the State of Florida. I am experienced with personal computers and I use mine every day. I receive so many emails for Africa offering all kinds of potential financial gain. I have learned to just delete these mails without opening them but from time to time I will read them.

I am writing you because I believe that these scammers are using your name to offer these schemes.

I am almost certain that they are scams but you would like I can send you copies of these mails so you can take measures to stop them from using your name.

Sincerely, Thomas Johnson

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