Feral Animals in Towns

Lynette Brown sent a message to Dion George.

Dion George
Lynette Brown
Feral Animals in Towns
Dec. 16, 2024, 10:49 a.m.
I heard a plea from a member of the government on Radio Algoa yesterday asking that livestock owners take responsibility for keeping their animals off South African roads. She outlined the danger to their valuable livestock as well as to road users. She called for responsible animal ownership and explained the life-threatening hazards that wandering livestock pose, particularly to vehicle drivers. I was unable to catch her name or portfolio.
Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) in the Eastern Cape experiences this particular issue on an unmanageable daily basis. Cattle are left to graze and roam on grass verges and in open areas between busy roads.
Donkey numbers have become unplayable in the city; they roam the city streets and, like the cattle, are living without adequate water or nutrition and have become feral, as they breed prolifically. The braying of clashing stallions is a common sound; these animals injure each other during these fights and go untreated.
The businesses in town, including restaurants and supermarkets, put their black refuse bags (there is no wheelie bin system in place) out on Saturday afternoons. These bags are ravaged by donkeys and the contents eaten. This leads to sick animals placing a burden on already overtaxed animal NGOs, if they are notified in time, or, worse, dead and bloated donkeys lying about until the carcasses can be removed. There is no Municipal Pound and the grant to the local SPCA by the Municipality has long been terminated due to lack of funds.
Please could you direct this message to the relevant authority, who may be able to address this?

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