EU citizens who fight for the IDF or prevent aid to reach Gaza

Hakan Ozaslan sent a message to Naledi Pandor.

Naledi Pandor
Hakan Ozaslan
EU citizens who fight for the IDF or prevent aid to reach Gaza
March 24, 2024, 11:56 p.m.
Dear Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor,

I am not a Palestinian nor am I a citizen of South Africa, I am simply a person who belongs to the Turkish community of Germany. Ever since I heard about EU citizens fighting in Gaza, I have been trying to reach members of the EU parliament in order to get an answer for two questions. 1) How many EU citizens are currently fighting as members of the IDF and 2) Will they be charged for their crimes commited in Gaza? Unfortunatly, they refused to answer or tried to gaslight me with replies like "there may be mercenaries from the EU." This last particular reply made me furious, as we can all see the TikTok and Youtube videos of EU and European born IDF soldiers humiliating their victims, as in the case of British born IDF soldier Levi Simon, who filmed himself rummaging through the underwear drawers of the same woman who was forced to leave her home by said soldier. Furthermore, many Israeli citizens who are currently blocking aid to reach Gaza, are also EU citizens.

I am writing to you because I want to know, what are you going to do? For me as a Muslim and a human being it's especially frustrating to endure this hipocricy. If these same citizens were members of ISIS/ISIL, they would have been either charged for their crimes or stripped of their citizenship, like so many former members of said terror organisation. Instead, they are being protected by the EU and European countries they actually live in.

Thank you in advance,

Hakan Ozaslan

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