Eskom Advertising

Thomas Barnard sent a message to .

Thomas Barnard
Eskom Advertising
April 4, 2018, 3:40 p.m.
Dear Mr Minister

Eskom seems to be on a large PR campaign to highlight its importance and buy renewed consumer sympathy/apathy for its dismall service delivery to all south africans.

It has repeatedly increased costs to us end users for years stemming from gross mismanagement and overspending of funds.

PLEASE.. stop this waste of tax payers money on advertising campaigns to increase its image.

We know we need electricity, we are not ignorant of this fact.

Eskom is a monopoly, we cant very well switch electricity providers, its makes no sense to advertise.

All we want is a power utility that provides us with good, reliable service.

Kind Regards
Thomas Barnard

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