Pascal Fischer sent a message to Ebrahim Patel.

Ebrahim Patel
Pascal Fischer
June 18, 2020, 2:58 p.m.
Mr Patel .

We are in a very bad situation financially as a country. The country has many companies under Bee & most of the owners of the companies needs more information on how to tender & pricing. In that way we can help to reduce the level of unemployment. If we can understand tendering many unemployed can get work. I request if you can Implement workshops in all these provinces so we can learn. Empower the small business sector . People are very passionate about working but we have less information.
2. Bring along Funding Institutions so people can know where to get funds. I think South Africa implemented programs like BEEE but we did not get more info about it & we are not benefiting from it.
3. There's many Red Tapes that you must go through in all these Government Financial Institutions. Those Institutions only benefit very few .
4. I repeat teach us how to tender and pricing and teach us how to manage our companies . We will help create more job situation.

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