eMalahleni local government challenges

Lucky Lukhele - Nkangala Chamber of Commerce and Industry sent a message to Tyotyo Hubert James.

Tyotyo Hubert James
Lucky Lukhele - Nkangala Chamber of Commerce and Industry
eMalahleni local government challenges
Dec. 10, 2021, 5:05 a.m.
Greetings Chair

I'm Mr Lucky Lukhele a local entrepreneur and regional secretary of Nkangala Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

I'm writing this letter from the vicinity of eMalahleni inline with a great concern accord with the below serious and poorly attended local challenges we are facing as communities in business and social economic movement.

Concern synopsis aligned below:

1. Our first challenge as entrepreneurs of eMalahleni is poor recognition of local service providers that are rendering services with the Municipality at a business core.

2. Our second and serious challenge as local entrepreneurs of eMalahleni is the late payments that are solily filtered to service a few local entrepreneurs that have adopted the unlawful street policy of bribery in order to get first preference when payments are rolled out at finance department without any fear and favour. When it comes to payments being processed within 30days it's a serious challenge that can be manageable throung a fair central communication and proper engagements of service providers by the office of the CFO. Service providers are treated like nothing, in fact they are baggers when it comes to their payments and good governance.

3. The third challenge is serious poor communication between the Municipality and service providers especially when it comes to batho phele government policy of relaying proper guidelines of the PFMA and Supply chain ethics etc.

4. The fourth challenge is poor performance by the technical department of eMalahleni Local Municipality and lack of monitoring systems to vanguard communities in business and social economic movement precincts to benefit both the Municipality and entrepreneurs of eMalahleni as a whole. We propose that life style personal audits and performance appraisal verifications should be conducted asap.

5. The fifth challenge is poor administration, wrong deployment of junior staff, old systems of tender adjudication processes meaning the guidelines used are opening up self enrichment and corruption of internal staff, arrogance from some of the officials and bad internal communication amongst the department's of the eMalahleni Local Municipality etc.

6. The last challenge is the lack of community development programs by the LED office in making sure that there's enough assistance in finding central economic stability when it comes to job creation and entrepreneurship opportunities so our economy will be balanced and the rates of the Municipality will be paid since communities will be working and active within the local economic space of eMalahleni.

We thank you for going through the above synopsis.

Future replies will be published here.