Electricity matter and development

Anonymous sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
Electricity matter and development
June 16, 2020, 2 p.m.
Hey Mr Dlozi I'm writing to you this e-mail as a concerned citizen of S.A its been 3weeks here in Bophelong we've been fighting for electricity and they playing with us because Mayor tell lies and they say ELM owes eskom how come because the President gave money so we can avoid loadshedding during this Pandemic,its sad because it is said that this corona virus live in cold/produce rapidly in cold areas so no its cold very cold they are sitting with thier wives and their kid's are well clothed in this weather so please Mr try to get at the bottom of Vaal because it's not only on Bophelong but Vaal as a whole

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