Ehailing Harrassment in Tshwane

Simamkele sent a message to Barbara Creecy.

Barbara Creecy
Ehailing Harrassment in Tshwane
Aug. 14, 2024, 10:53 a.m.
14 August 2024

• The Honourable Minister of Transport, Ms Barbara Creecy
• Deputy Minister, Mr Mkhuleko Hlengwa
• Tshwane Mayor, Councillor Cilliers Brink
• Tshwane MMC for Roads and Transport - Aid Katlego Mathebe
• TMPD Chief of Police - Commissioner YCR Faro

Dear Honourable Ministers, Mayor, and Chief of Police,

I am writing to bring to your attention two pressing matters regarding the harassment and extortion of e-hailing drivers by Tshwane Metro Police, taxi and/or meter taxi operators in Tshwane. Despite the provisions of the National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009), and the Gauteng Transport Infrastructure Act, 2001 (Act No. 8 of 2001), these operators are demanding money from e-hailing drivers for operating within the City and/or in their alleged "territories".

Section 10(1) of the National Land Transport Act prohibits the obstruction or interference with public transport services, while Section 10(2) specifically states that "no person may demand or receive any payment or reward for allowing or permitting a public transport service to operate". Furthermore, Section 15(1) of the Gauteng Transport Infrastructure Act makes it an offense to extort or demand money from public transport operators.

Notwithstanding these provisions, e-hailing drivers are being stopped and forced to pay money to taxi and meter taxi operators. This is unacceptable and creates an unfair and hostile operating environment for e-hailing services.

Secondly, i wish to express my concern and request urgent intervention regarding the harassment and impounding of e-hailing drivers by the Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD). Despite applying for the required permits, drivers are being stopped and demanded to produce permits that have not been issued by the Department of Transport.

According to the National Land Transport Act, the Department of Transport is responsible for issuing permits to e-hailing operators. However, the department has not released these permits, allegedly due to concerns about tensions between taxi/meter taxi and e-hailing operators.

Meanwhile, the TMPD continues to impound vehicles without permits, causing financial losses and hardship for drivers. This is despite the fact that the last amended bill, signed into law, has not yet come into effect due to pending regulations and measures.

In light of the above, I respectfully request that you:

1. Instruct the TMPD to halt the impounding of e-hailing vehicles until the Department of Transport issues permits and regulating measures are in place.
2. Take swift action against taxi and meter taxi operators who are extorting money from e-hailing drivers, in accordance with the provisions of the National Land Transport Act and the Gauteng Transport Infrastructure Act.
3. Clarify the status of the amended bill and provide a timeline for its implementation.

I believe this will ensure a fair and regulated transport industry in Tshwane, free from intimidation and extortion. It is important to note that the e-hailing service play a huge role towards ensuring that:

1_There is safe, reliable and convenient public transport in the city.

2_Reduced innercity traffic.

3_Mitigates on the City's unemployment crisis.

Ehailing drivers provide 24/7 transportation and are sometimes at the forefront of saving lives, driving the sick and ill to hospitals and transporting residents from one point to another where they would have been victims to criminals had they walked.

Their role cannot be seen to be of any less importance than any other service provider to the effect that they are subjected to operate in such conditions and only in Tshwane.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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