Economic growth - long term tourism

John sent a message to Frederik Jacobus Mulder, David Masondo, Desmond Lawrence Moela, Bongani Thomas Bongo and Grace Kekulu Tseke.

Frederik Jacobus Mulder, David Masondo, Desmond Lawrence Moela, Bongani Thomas Bongo, Grace Kekulu Tseke
Economic growth - long term tourism
Aug. 30, 2019, 2:12 p.m.
Dear madam/sir

Economic growth is not easy.However I believe South Africa cannot compete with production;China is way ahead. Europe and America is ahead with new and intellectual growth. Tourism the world has many lovely places.

However I believe maths days it all. If we look at South Africa we offer friendly people and great climate the solution is quite simple from maths point of view.

South Africa needs to become a destination where people retire. Imagine 1000 000 people spend 1500$ a moth retire in South Africa. It is like long term tourism . Do the maths: 1500x 1000 000 x R15 pet month.
The have no vote they pay for hospitals ect. The simple enjoy retirement here.

Benefits: they spend retirement money in RSA. They create new jobs. Gardeners , house keepers, shops , restaurants... simple because with the exchange rate the have more value for there money to spend the Europe and America. In the long run the friends and family will visit the spending more money in RSA.
Simply put it is easy money for South Africa long term. We do not need to compete on areas where it is difficult for us. We can however compete in this area.

We only have to give them safety, good infrastructure and good livestyle.

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