Lindy Zwart sent a message to Ebrahim Patel.

Ebrahim Patel
Lindy Zwart
April 30, 2020, 11:58 a.m.
Please help those small businesses that are not a risk of spreading Covid but are able to assist those who are on lockdown in their homes.

I own an online store (work for myself - no staff) have been in lockdown since 26 March and yet am unable to trade. I sell Hobby Arts and Crafts and Chess goods all of which stimulate and would assist those who are on lockdown at home for the past month and still have to remain for unforseen time due to Covid.

Modellers, Artists and creatives have run out of their supplies and therefore are pleading for their mediums to create.

Why can we not be made essential items Stage 4 when stationery and educational books are ?

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