E-Hailing (bolt and Uber) Cars Impounded

Clive sent a message to Barbara Creecy and Julius Sello Malema.

Barbara Creecy, Julius Sello Malema
E-Hailing (bolt and Uber) Cars Impounded
Jan. 15, 2025, 1:59 p.m.
I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to you with a heavy heart of what we as E-Hailers are subjected to on daily basis.

Majority of our were affected by unemployment and resorted into e-hailing business, We have hired/bought cars and now we have ensured that we are Compliant in terms of the rules set out by Dept of Transport.

Here is our challenge, we took our cars to the Traffic Dept for Road worthy testing and they all came back as passed, we got issued Double disc to ensure that our cars are Road worthy and ready to operate on the South African road Act.

Our cars are now being impounded on the roads by the Law enforcement officers informing us that we need to acquire a permit in order to operate on the road. Can we engage on this matter by allowing us to work and when we go to apply for this permits required, can they get them issued or even the receipt given, be allowed to drive with it? We are working for our families and once this vehicles are impounded we wont even have money to release them, we are pleading with you, As i know we are more than 100k drivers that are affected by this.

King Regards

Mr. Clive Nong

CEO: Vultures Holding Group

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