Drugs in Durban - Phoenix

Shavesh sent a message to Adrian Christopher Roos and Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi.

Adrian Christopher Roos, Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi
Drugs in Durban - Phoenix
March 2, 2020, 11:34 p.m.
Dear Govement ,our community are not safe anymore ,the Govement need to understand that illegal drugs and taverns around the area as increased the crime rate over the pass 20 years, we asked the Govement to intervene in helping our community a safer place,
illegal drugs is distroyimg homes ,family been broken apart and form apart,children are effected with this outcome,drugs is related to all crime or all criminal activates that take place,many that take the drugs resorts to stelimg or robbering or breaking into houses and business and cars/vans ,many also hijack or also get involved in organized crime or bank robbery cash in transit ,the Govement is failing to relise that drug is distroyng the country,
Taverns should closed down in residential areas around like phoenix ,la Lucia ,Umhlanga ,only on commercial ,not near a Religous site or education house ,

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