Drickus ufc fight 312

Crystal Swanepoel sent a message to Gayton Mc Kenzie.

Gayton Mc Kenzie
Crystal Swanepoel
Drickus ufc fight 312
Feb. 8, 2025, 10:20 p.m.
Dear Mr mckenzie you said National arts and sports would be on national TV. SO WHAT JAS HAPPENED TO THE DRICUS FIGHT 8TH FEB.
That can't afford to be in Australia, you the lucky one.
Drickus is a national accept, yet we are excluded from him.only the rich and minister has court to be present. Very disappointed. Thought u were one of us fighting for a place in the sun. Uour sunflowers oblivious grow higher than mine. They get more French champagne and French fertilizer. Not impressed. I voted for u. No you leave us behind. Sis man,

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