DOL Extremely Poor Service UIF

Nanandi sent a message to Sharome Renay Van Schalkwyk.

Sharome Renay Van Schalkwyk
DOL Extremely Poor Service UIF
Jan. 9, 2020, 1:01 p.m.
Good Day

I see you served on a committee awhile ago around complaints submitted to the DG office re DOL matters.

While very few complaints were recorded in the report is is not a reflection at all.

My Daughter has been struggling for months to get her UIF paid out. this has now resulted in her going into debt and having that additional stress on top of losing her job.

Numerous complaints have been lodged in various places and each time the reply is a response that offers no solution and takes weeks to get another step done.

I see on Hello Peter that there are almost 1400 complaints of similar nature to hers. Even some this week saying how people are waiting months for their payments and that no one answers mails calls etc..

This is SHOCKING. People pay towards their UIF for the extact reason of being PROTECTED when suffering a sudden job loss or retrenchment or maternity leave. Causing them stress and damage from the place that is supposed to support them is not on.

My daughter contributed for almsot 13 years.

I woulld appreciate that someone actually look into her case and revert to me Immediately with a resolution, AND that the overall issues around Ufiling and UIF claims be looked into , so that the "man on the ground" is not prejudiced.

Future replies will be published here.