Distasteful comment

Mickey Meji sent a message to Hlengiwe Octavia Mkhaliphi.

Hlengiwe Octavia Mkhaliphi
Mickey Meji
Distasteful comment
Feb. 23, 2018, 2:08 p.m.
Dear Hlengiwe,

I hope this correspondence finds you well. I just wanted to bring to your attention my disappointment in you using domestic work as an insult to a fellow woman in public at the National Assembly on the 15th February 2018. The fact that you all EFF MPs wear domestic workers uniform on that day when i heard you uttering the words "Lindiwe wehlulekile ukuba wuMinister hambo krorobha" was enough to tell me what you think of domestic workers, wearing their attire is no solidarity on your part that we know at least it is just a way of patronizing them. I felt insulted by a member of parliament from the very organisation i voted for as a daughter of a retired domestic worker. And that is how I am going to feel each day I see you in those clothes.

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