Disgruntled Independent Police Investigative Directorate Investigators

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Disgruntled Independent Police Investigative Directorate Investigators
July 23, 2019, 9:38 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Police,

It was in 2012 when IPID adopted a new Act, within this Act there is section 23 which talks about the benefit of the investigators which must be in par with the police benefits, this include salary levels and other benefits. IPID management implemented the Act since 2012 but never address section 23. The employees engaged the employer from 2012 until 2017 when they decided to take the employer to court. at this stage the employee were using their own money to fund their legal representatives. in 2018 the order was issued from Labour court for IPID to implement section 23, since then nothing has happened.

On the 10th of August 2019, the employees will be heading back to court for enforcement since IPID ignored the order. This issue of section 23 has demoralised the investigators.
I would like to bring this to the attention of the portfolio Committee.

Your intervention will help speed the process.

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