disgrantled farm workers

JAMES GODLOZA sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
disgrantled farm workers
Nov. 22, 2020, 12:51 p.m.
my brother greetings,my name is James Themba Godloza i work on a farm as a mushroom producer.the farm is allocated in western cape in a small town called De Doorns,the mushroom farm was established in 2005 in the Hex River Valley the table grape vineyards,the motivation was to create permanent imployment in the valley where the is mainly seasonal work opportunities and high unemployment.the heart of mushroom farming is the ability to your own substrate which consist of wheat straw,chicken manure and gypsum.now why do i write to you and why do i believe the EFF and its leadership are the only people who can assist us the workers on this farm,About 130 black africans working on thi farm we are faced with the possibility of loosing our jobs due to three white over previlleged neiboring farmers who are hell bent to close us down reason been as we use chicken manure for substrate prep,they say it causes nuisance they cant enjoy their rich braais with their rich friends,please please my brothers and sisters of the only party that truly fights for poor in this country,you can contact me personaly for further clarity on this matter my number is 0636852452 at any time ,please ,thank you in advance for reading this.

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